Handbells Ensemble
Handbells Ensemble (Non Modular)
Level: P3 to P6
DAY: Tuesday
TIME: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
VENUE: School (Music Room 1)
TEACHERS I/C: Ms Er Li Li & Mrs Magdalene Tan
The CHIJ (Katong) Primary Handbell Ensemble was established in 2004, with the aim of providing an opportunity for students with varied musical abilities and skills to make music together.
During practice sessions, students are exposed to unique and delicate musical instruments and different genres of music. They are taught ringing techniques of varying difficulty levels, at a pace catered to their progress. Seniors also learn to serve and guide the juniors by showing empathy and compassion and respect.
We also go on learning journeys to watch other performing arts groups to instill and develop their appreciation of the arts. Handbells teach teamwork and cooperation, fostering self-esteem and developing much-needed physical and social skills. It provides a full measure of musical enjoyment for all who play them.
Through school and public events, we aim to equip them with the skills and confidence to perform in school-based or public events, thereby nurturing and surfacing young talents in music and the performing arts.
Must be able to commit from P3 – P6