Track and Field
Track & Field (Modular)
Level: P3 (Semester 2)
DAY: Friday
Track & Field (Development Team)
Level: P4 - P6
DAY: Tuesday & Friday
TIME: 2:00pm (Depart from school) & 4:40pm (Arrive
back in school)
VENUE: School/External Venues (Transport is provided)
TEACHERS I/C: Mdm Nazurah, Ms Li Meina, Mdm Rasyidah
& Miss Siti Nabilah
During Track & Field CCA sessions, students can look forward to learning a range of skills like running, jumping and throwing. Through drills and trainings, we seek to develop values and attributes such as grit, determination, resilience and teamwork. Students are given opportunities to participate in competitions based on their performance during training. More importantly, they develop all-round physical fitness which contributes to an active and healthy lifestyle.