Artistic Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics (Modular)
Level: P3 to P6
DAY: Tuesday
TIME: 2:15pm - 3:30pm (Session 1) & 3:30pm -
5:00pm (Session 2)
VENUE: School (ISH)
TEACHERS I/C: Mdm Ang Bee Bee & Mrs Doreen Yeo
Starting gymnastics is a great way to improve physically, mentally and socially. Gymnastics training can build students’ physical strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. It provides them the platform to discover and learn various body movements with control as well as develop confidence in what thier body can perform safely.
The modular Gymnastics CCA introduces students to some of the foundational gymnastic skills. These skills enable them to apply the fundamentals learnt in other sport too.
Besides requiring basic gymnastics skills, our girls also develop teamwork and friendships with their peers.