PAL @ CHIJ (Katong) Primary
PAL @ CHIJ (Katong) Primary
PAL (Programme for Active Learning) was introduced to strengthen the emphasis on non-academic programmes for Primary 1 and 2 students. This is in line with a key desired outcome of PERI recommendations to balance the acquisition of knowledge with the development of skills and values and to prepare our children for a more dynamic future. Conducted within curriculum time, PAL modules provide students with broad exposure in two areas — Sports and Games, Outdoor Education and Performing and Visual Arts. It aims to facilitate the well-rounded development of students in the five learning domains (cognitive, moral, social, aesthetics and physical) and help students to develop social emotional competencies.
PAL modules are experiential in nature and incorporate learning in a creative, fun, and enjoyable way. Each PAL module will be conducted for at least 2 hours a week with each module lasting between 7 to 10 weeks.
The Primary 1 will cover the Visual Arts, Drama and Outdoor Education modules. The Primary 2 will cover Drama, Visual Arts and Traditional Games modules.
At the end of Primary 2, all students would have been exposed to at least 6 different modules, from the two areas of Sports and Outdoor Education, Performing and Visual Arts.
The PAL modules at CHIJ (Katong) Primary:
Sports and Games /Traditional Games
Students are introduced to various traditional games played by children in the olden days. They are given the opportunity to experience these games and create their own. During PAL lessons, students will be exposed to working in groups or pairs to complete simple activities and challenges. In the process, they will be presented with opportunities to resolve conflicts and find compromises, through which they will learn to recognize and manage their emotions and reactions to achieve the desirable outcome.
PAL Drama aims to promote creativity, self-confidence and critical thinking through various drama and speech activities that provide students opportunities for active, exploratory and experiential learning. Drama places great value on the development of students’ capacity for critical thought, which is imperative in their training to become reflective, compassionate and independent members of society.
The PAL Drama lessons are activity-oriented and use the hands-on approach. Students get to participate in interactive drama activities that allow them to understand and appreciate the arts and love language. Some of these activities include role playing, hot seating, conscience alley and tableaux among others. The teacher acts as a guide to allow for creative development and expression, constantly motivating a child that is already dynamic in her own way.
Visual Arts
The PAL VA aims to develop our students into confident, competent and creative individuals through art activities that are self-motivated and self-directed, which is aligned with the school’s mission as well as the guiding principles of PAL.
Our Visual Arts module aims to provide:
a safe environment for the students to explore and experience art in a fun and creative way, with opportunities for their artwork to be displayed in the classroom so as to build their confidence,
opportunities for the students to value their own art pieces and those of others by contributing, considering and sharing new ideas; a platform for the students to demonstrate our school’s virtues and the SEL competencies.
PAL VA is designed to promote interaction among students to develop their interpersonal and social skills, attitudes and values. It provides fun and enjoyable learning experiences for students.
Outdoor Education
PAL OE provides opportunities for students to engage in activities outdoors as the main aim of this module is to instil in our students the love of nature. They will learn how nature affects them and vice versa. Activities planned will expose our students to various aspects of nature catered to their level of learning. Students will be able to interact with each other as they learn and play games. This exposure will aid in the holistic development of our students.